Sunday, July 19, 2009

type 2 Diabetes Pictures : Learn the Warning Signs

type 2 Diabetes Pictures : Learn the Warning Signs

Ice cream cone partially eaten.
Woman that is very thirsty because of dry mouth, a warning sign of having type 2 diabetes.
Women having an excruciating headache due to abnormal blood sugar levels.
Cut on the thumb taking longer then normal to heal could be a sign that you might have type 2 diabetes.
Fast food eating and lounging around all day with no exercise can boost your risk of having type 2 diabetes.
Sometimes it is out of your control and it could just be genetics for getting type 2 diabetes.
Overweight child due to lack of a healthy diet.
A simple blood test will accuratly tell you if you do or do not have type 2 diabetes.
Diagram showing the procedure of turning glucose to energy.
A clogged artery is a long term affect of having type 2 diabetes.
Another effect of having type 2 diabetes might be developing kidney damage.
High blood sugar can damage the tiny blood vessels in the eye.
People with diabetes often experience nerve damage that can make it more difficult to feel their feet.
Man eating healthy to try and reduce the risk of damaging the heart.
A man doing strength training to help improve his blood sugar levels.
Diabetes Medications
An insulin pump and injections might become a regular event if the body no longer produces its own insulin.
Type 2 diabetes is often preventable by following some key guidelines that help improve your health.


ChrisP said...

Diabetic retinopathy can be treated with a laser to seal off leaking blood vessels and inhibit the growth of new vessels. Called laser photocoagulation, this treatment is painless and takes only a few minutes.

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