Friday, July 17, 2009

I Drink Alcohol Not Green Tea to Reduce My Diabetes Risks

With New Years Eve is right around the corner I thought I would share some information that was recently discovered showing that alcoholic beverages reduce diabetes risks. This information came at the perfect time for anyone that likes to partake in the occasional alcoholic beverage since New Years Eve and alcohol go hand in hand. Now, as a diabetic, I have to be real careful because a few extra drinks and I’m going to sleep.

t was once thought that flavonoid rich foods such as apples, broccoli, tea and red wine were responsible for reducing the risks of diabetes. This was based on a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. After a multi-variable adjustment, it was found that the flavonoid consumption was not the key to the reduction of diabetes risk. The red wine however still played a roll. But who’s going to drink red wine on New Years? I’m drinking champagne.

It was then discovered that women who reported drinking red wine more than once a week showed a 16 percent reduced risk of diabetes compared to woman who reported drinking red wine less than once a week. The same findings were reported for white wine, beer and liquor. These new findings suggest that there is a common protective effect found in all alcoholic drinks.

Drink up and have a Happy New Year!

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